
Don’t forget to check out the last 3 UPDATED chapter of CROOKED! They are juicy and dripping with building conflict. Hope those of you who haven’t yet will take a look! Thanks for all the support!(:


CROOKED is FINALLY updated! 
          I am so happy to finally have it up after months of not having much time to write. Like I said in my last post, I was concentrating on moving out and work. It is a weight lifted of my shoulders to finally have the next chapter up. I've missed my characters so much. It feels like it's been FOREVER.
          Hope you enjoy the new chapter! I even put in a little 'previously on' in case you forgot the bomb that was dropped at the end of the prior chapter. Okay, I'm going to shut up so you can read it now. Byeeeeeeee! (:


Sorry I’ve been so busy lately (those of you who still read my stuff). I’ve been figuring out my moving situation. I finally have my new place after actively searching and have been busy with prepping to move and now, this week, I’ll finally be able to. Once I’m fully moved in, I’ll find some time to get to the next chapter of Crooked, and finished editing Behind My Reputation! 
          Thanks to those of you who have been patient and who still are there when I update. It really means the world. Hope to be able to post again soon, because I really miss writing! 
          Until next time,