'M currently working on a new chapter for 'this is war' I do not know when I will post it since I'm busy preparing for my college and I need clothing, gear, books, equipment, a job etc and ' trying to fit the story process into this busy times. I know I've said I've been busy (for a long time) and I really do apologise to you all if you have started to get a bit impatient with me.
On the other hand, may I enquire people to not advwrtise there books with mine, i find it quite rude and disrespectful, I have mot posted a comment saying "hey look at my book!" Etc but please, you know who you are, please don't do it again. Again if this seems to be bitchy I can understand from your POV but please understand from mine.
ON THE OTHER HAND... Welcome to the newest Steampunks of the crew and hope aboard! Sorry I haven't gone to your homepage amd thanked you personally as I said before I have been quite busy (I won't repeat myself lol) and thank you to the steampunks who have been with me from the start until now. I hope to spend many more years with you through my storys and manybe encounter yours too.
I love you all and hopefully I can make at least two chapters to be ready to publish for y'all.
I love you (again hehe),
The Writeress.