
I'm not dead, I'm just really inactive and have no ideas rn


Tomorrow, on my YouTube channel, I reveal everything that had been written for the fanfiction Call of Duty: Black Ops Danger Force II.
          If you guys don't remember, a few years ago I revealed the existence of a sequel to my first fanfiction on this platform, Call of Duty: Black Ops Danger Force. This sequel was eventually cancelled.
          Until today. (well technically tomorrow.)
          That's right, tomorrow I will be releasing a video of me reading what was written of this. It was my first time reading it in nearly two years. And you'll find out with me, IT WAS NEARLY FINISHED.
          Here's the link:
          Set your reminders.


I think I'm gonna delay Unnatural 3 indefinitely. I have no way of making a good story, so yk what i'm just gonna leave it ambiguous until I do.
          I don't really have any ideas for books rn, as I'm focusing more on plays and YouTube series/movies. That's more of the reason that I've been neglecting Wattpad.
          I'll announce whenever I have something coming soon. It probably won't be Unnatural 3, but hopefully it will be something else good.


Sorry for going silent again and not posting the rest of Unnatural: The Fighters. Since I probably wouldn’t remember to publish week by week again, I just published the rest of the book.
          Next book I make I’ll just publish the whole thing at once instead of weekly, because look how that turned out.
          Anyway, enjoy the book.