[A Heart’s Thoughts notice]
Jude, Jack, Francis, Eden and Alec. These are the guys who aren’t supposed to get a story arc of their own, but here’s a lil’ suggestion.
I’ve had this idea for a very long time to give one of them a little side story (ngl I’m kinda biased towards Jude or Eden). It’d be parallel with this story arc and it would start in a few chapters. It’d probably be mostly angst, romance and probably also some action. And supernatural of course.
But here’s the question:
Do you, readers, actually want such a side story? And if so, with which character?
It’d mean that in-between chapters for AHT I’ll have to post chapters for the side story, which would also mean it’d take (even) longer to update the chapters for AHT.
Please tell me what you guys think, if many of you would like to see it, I’ll try working on it. If not, you can pretend I never mentioned this.