Title: The Road to Hell
Author: me
Genre:action/drama/romance/fantasy (pick whichever)
Status: ongoing
Chapters: 18 so far, updates are not scheduled
Summary: The year is 2032. A few people have evolved to gain certain ... talents, if you will. This form of human can form a certain power based on their talent. For example, if someone is good at cooking, they might be able to hypnotize someone with their food. Using these powers in public can be a danger to others, and is therefore illegal. Tenji Kans is one of these lucky(?) people. He loves the movies, and enjoys acting and directing. He decides to take revenge on the people that wronged him, finding the perfect occupation for his goals. However, he meets a girl that is immune to his powers. What will he do, and who is this girl?
"How could you kill her? You didn't even know her!" Leno screamed, throwing her shoe at me. "She meant the world to me, and you took her away from me!" Tears were spilling down her cheeks, her eyes were red around the edges with pure anger.
"You told me I meant the world to you! Were you lying the whole time!? He payed me to do it, godamnit! You know I didn't have a choice!" I yelled back, easily dodging the shoe. "This is my job, my way of life! You told me it didn't matter what happened, you would always love me!" I felt my cheeks turning red with frustration.
"Maybe we're both liars then."