Hey everyone! Mystoria_sf here and if you wanna talk just message me! I'll be on till I say about 7 Pacific time so feel free to message me on here and after 7 feel free to message me on my personal account!
Hey everyone! Mystoria_sf here and if you wanna talk just message me! I'll be on till I say about 7 Pacific time so feel free to message me on here and after 7 feel free to message me on my personal account!
Hey guys it's Audie, and I know we haven't used this account in a while, but I'm wanting to use it more often, but I'm not sure about the "shifts" thing where people log on at certain times. Anybody who's part of this account, just get on whenever you want, but if you're awake in the middle of the night and want something to do, then go on here! But anyway, everybody else, we'll probably be using this account more often!
Heyy peepz! Going offline now...i'll be on at 9pm. That is eastern standard time! Make sure to be in our inbox waiting! We can talk about anything and if you wanna join...dont be afraid to ask! ✌❤✌