
Hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season! My gift to you, another Chapter of Spy Squad 2! Hopefully everyone got exactly what they wanted and had a wonderful time with the people they love ❤️ . Ill be back soon with more!


@The_B00kw0rm_ I just saw this but this is so sweet!


@The_B00kw0rm_ I just saw this but this is so sweet!


Hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season! My gift to you, another Chapter of Spy Squad 2! Hopefully everyone got exactly what they wanted and had a wonderful time with the people they love ❤️ . Ill be back soon with more!


@The_B00kw0rm_ I just saw this but this is so sweet!


@The_B00kw0rm_ I just saw this but this is so sweet!


Hi everyone! Sorry I've been user for so long! I've finally finished all of my college applications and am fully into the holiday spirit! I took some time to go over what I want to see in the Spy Squad series and other ideas I'm working on and have finally made a decision. Expect a lot more chapters of Spy Squad and other series, both already published and in the works. Is there anything specific you guys would like to see? A certain genre or plot? I love writing mini stories but mostly keep them for myself. If you guys are interested in that, I'd love to share some on here! Whatever you enjoy, let me know. Hope everyone has a happy Hanukkah, merry Christmas, and any other holiday you observe :)


What is everyone's favorite holiday? Personally, I consider the entire month of October as Halloween. Nothing better than a good scare! What about you guys: are you winter, fall, spring, or summer holiday people? Also, happy Friday the 13th!! Bwahahaha


@chococaramellagirl Winter is really nice! I'm from Florida though so it only gets a few degrees colder, barely enough to wear a jacket.


Hi, everyone! I'm doing something a little different: writing a horror/mystery! It's something completely new to me, but writing the first chapter was so much fun I've decided to continue. Please leave suggestions!!! Also, try to guess what comes next! I'd love to see your initial thoughts and maybe even include some ideas! On another note, I'm still working on the next chapter for The Crew, but Hurricane Irma really put a dent in my normal schedule! It's close and I'm so excited for you to see all the new spies joining the team! Until next time, happy reading!


Hello everyone! I apologize for my long absense (I was on vacation and it was amazing) but now I'm back! Sadly, it's school season again and with college applications I'm gonna be super busy! I will continue to write Spy Squad 2 but the production will be slowed! Hopefully everyone has been having an amazing summer! Feel free to talk about it below ( I'm sure your lives are much more interesting than mine). Thanks for your support and happy reading ❤️❤️


Check out my new book Spy Squad 2: The Crew! I'm so excited to continue this amazing series and for all of you to see The Jester's plan unfold. Happy reading!!!


@The_B00kw0rm_ I just added it to my library 


@The_B00k0worm_ You are actually quite poetic! And I also love listening to music while writing, it really stimulates me