
          	The person who hates my mom, i hope you get the karma you deserve 


          Like.... I'm just wanting to state maybe again.... I haven't written any nafw moments for like 4 to 5 years, so, sorry, whenever nsfw stuff comes out, and it sucks, im sorry. 


@The_BatCats atleast  you are making new stuff Thats all the really matters


@The_BatCats That's fine. You're doing your best. And that's good enough for me :)


Will you be updating haunted 


            Hello, thank you so much for taking the time to read my book, i really appreciate it a lot.  
            At the moment, i am working on Outcasted ~ Legend of Korra Soulmate Book 
            Their soulmate ~ Marvel Soulmate Book 
            Hopefully, soon, i can work on Haunted 
            Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read my book


What won on the wheel spin is
          (Vote between these books, can vote mutplie times if wanted on different books) 
          Mystery-Natural ~ Fred Jones Love Story 
          Outcasted ~ legend of Korra Soulmate Book 
          Their Soulmate ~ Marvel Soulmate Book 
          And or
          Void ~ Voltron Soulmate Book 
          Again, can vote mutplie times if wanted. 
          Will hopefully get the two chapters out soon. I just have to re read and edit it again. So, hopefully, soon it will be posted. 
          Hope you all are having a great day or afternoon or nighttime 


@Aashipt28 @kemikuo @Emma75040 
            Thank you for voting, i really appreciate it a lot♡


@ The_BatCats  their soulmate <3


Hello everyone. 
          So i'm just going to be blunt 
          So getting sick back in December and then again a few weeks ago, alongside the flare ups, family stuff and doing the stuff i can do,
          Has caused my writing to take forever and be really weak with posting. 
          So that end point there mean is 
          I was supposed to be posting a chapter or a few with my trollhunters book, but I was only able to edit the chapters that were already out and not actually get a chapter out for even longer because the writer's block on that book is strong right now. So no chapter is coming out for that book for a bit. 
          There was supposed to be a chapter out for my The batkids soulmate book and that's not happening. 
          Note for the batkids and their girl: i'll be putting those books on hold because those books need a lot of editing. 
          Then there was chapters coming out for Hiding ~ marvel Soulmate Book 
          I'll be only posting two Chapters out, actually three because of the new soulmate note. Sorry for another note.  
          There were supposed to be more than just 2, but again, that didn't happen and if I tried for more, it would just take longer than I wanted it to be. 
          So, weak☠️
          But, I want to try to get back into writing more, so after I post the weak 2 chapters I only have, even though it's been months, I will spin my wheel again, get you all to vote and I will do my best to actually get more out this year. (The chapters will be posted in a few days)
          Like to state again, I'm sorry for not posting that many chapters last year and the none so far 3 months into this year. 


            Thank you so much❤️, i really appreciate it a lot, so thank you♡♡♡


@The_BatCats Take your time, heal. We can wait. 


Hey I just want to say I am a huge fan of your works. Please dm me if you can I would love to get to know you 


            Hello!!! Im so glad you like my books!! I'm so happy to hear that :) thank you so much for taking the time to read my books, i really appreciate it a lot ♡
            I would comment to your comments in my book, but for some reason, it won't let me send anything to you☠️ makes no sense


Ok, so like... does anyone later on want a smallville lex luther book..... 
          I, of course, want to make a clark book, but like how about a lex one... 
          It would, of course, be later because i have to watch at least a few seasons before even writj g anything for the show. 
          I'm watching with my dad, so that's going to take a while because he has a bad time watching things.... like he can finish high school musical 2 because it's getting too intense...... nor the last few eps of season 1 of kipo because it's getting intense (it's the last few eps of the season, it's going ttobe intense) , but i understand him. 
          So.... a smallville lex luther book....?


@The_BatCats I would like to read smt like that i love smallville but its so hard to find a good book.