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Question So I'm trying to work out because I'm not feeling that great of myself. (insecure and all that bullshit) Now a couple things about me quickly, i have some sort of hypermobile, i crushed a few dics in my back at age 9 (a few months after open heart surgery) never really got help with my crushed disc because i was told i would grow out of the pain when i'm older and stop growing.... I'm older and pretty sure I stopped growing.... pains still fucking there and almost always constantly hurting. Cant fricken do simple tasks without pain, like for example, wrapping gifts is like a fucking killer, walking to long or standing to long, sitting to long, fucking laying down is fucking painful a lot of the times. Simple tasks make everything hurt. Cant use ice because im fricken allergic to the fricken cold.... have sports asthma, feet fucking problems, constantly have headaches/pressure headache, plus multiple other things like other pains and have AuDHD, and other shit) so concept for saying that...
@The_BatCats i am not an expert, but i will tell you this. anything you try to do, as long as it's not hurting you is a step forward and you struggling is not something to be ashamed of. you are allowed to struggle with things, it does not make you less of a person. i (in my unprofessional opinion, take any advice i have with a grain of salt) would try yoga or just streaching, it might improve your pain levels. it might also help to see a physical theapist (take this with much salt) PS: your results in the sit-ups department might not be much it is still an improvement.
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I haven't fricken worked out for fricken years, like fully worked out, i do walk a lot even though it causes shit loads of pain, but for the concept of working out, walking is it. So I'm going to work out more at home… Now stupid thing to ask, especially randomly spilling all that shit out. The reason on why i'm posting is this. I know i got to start somewhere, but like For sit ups.... does it still count as one even though i can't hardly get my back off the ground, like i can i think get up past maybe my wings, but that's it, i cant get up anymore farther.... So does it still count as a semi one because for like right now, that's all i got or at least get my body to do….. ? (Hope this makes sense) and i dont or cant asks my family because of my fucking insecurities and anxiety, so asking any of you for help.... helps because i don't actually know you... if that makes sense. Like I just want to know if I'm at least getting somewhere…. Even if it's a little bit. I hope this makes sense…. Thank you for anyone who reads this and reads this and comments…. Hope you all are having a great day, afternoon or night time.