
So I don't know if anyone got the notification, because there haven't been any reads, but chapter 6 has been up for a little while now for anyone who wasn't to read it.


@The_Blank_Pages  I want to read it when you are half way done so that way i can read most of it so i know what is going on. i read to chapter 4 and waited for an update, and waited. I kinda forgot everything that was going on. So I have to wait until i have time to read it all again.


So I don't know if anyone got the notification, because there haven't been any reads, but chapter 6 has been up for a little while now for anyone who wasn't to read it.


@The_Blank_Pages  I want to read it when you are half way done so that way i can read most of it so i know what is going on. i read to chapter 4 and waited for an update, and waited. I kinda forgot everything that was going on. So I have to wait until i have time to read it all again.


Okay, so I've noticed that I have a habit of starting things, and then not finishing them. Lately I've been pretty busy with the end of the school year, trying to get a job, and relationship issues; so I haven't really been doing all that much writing. Okay, now lets get serious for a second. I've not be writing cause, well in all honesty, I kinda hate my story. That being said, I did make a promise that I would write a story, an some people picked up on that promise, those of you who follow me, or just occasionally read what I post.  That means I have to stand up to that promise, so from here on out I will continue writing  "Into The Mind" for you, the reader. I know I said I would be posting a new chapter every week, but that is an unreasonable goal. So new plan, chapters wont be as sporadic as they have been specially with my what, 2 months past due on chapter 5? I would say expect a new chapter every month to month and a half. Thank you to those of you who follow me and put up with my bull. Now enough with the speech I have writing to do.


Hey everyone, I really want to apologize for not having chapters 5, 6, or 7 of "Into The Mind" up on time. I've been having a really bad case of writers block and actually haven't done any writing. However I had a really bad week this week, which is good news as I always do my best writing when I'm sad, or just really emotional. So hopefully I will be updating "Into The Mind" here soon. In the while, I just posted an excerpt from a private book that I've been working on. Unfortunately this is a one time deal and there will not be more sections added onto it, despite the fact it says there is a draft. Thank you again for taking the time to read my works and I hope you all enjoy.


I wan't to apologize for not posting a chapter last weekend, things were a little hectic and I never finished the chapter. However, this coming Saturday and Sunday I will be posting chapters 2 and 3 of "Into The Mind" to get back on track. Hope you all enjoyed.


So you guys are lucky. I have 4 stories that I'm working on right now and I will be publishing 3 of the 4 here on wattpad. So I decided that I'm going to be doing one chapter a week so four chapters in a month in one book and then I will be switching books. That means every fourth  month I will be back to the first book, "Into the mind." I hope you all enjoy my stories, and look for new posts every Saturday or Sunday.