Wow! I didn't even realize this, but it's just a few days past my FIFTH anniversary of joining Wattpad! It's been a long journey and a lot of changes have happened in my life since, and it's amazing to see how far my writing skills have come since little 2015 me first picked up her ipad and started writing fun little stories about Minecraft. I feel like the past five years have really been an experience of finding myself. Back then, I had long hair, thought I couldn't draw, and the idea of ever making art and music wasn't even a glimmer in the back of my head. In the years that have followed, I've made friends, cut my hair, and most importantly, realized that there's no shame in being a beginner at anything. Living in fear of failure is no way to live, and comparing yourself to others won't get you anywhere because they didn't get that way overnight either. You might make mistakes, but it's better than never trying anything new. Here's to another successful year, and thank you all for getting me this far.