
WOAH. We have 52 followers! This is CRAZY especially because we haven't done ANYTHING. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! 
          	If you would so kind as to let us know why exactly you followed us feel free to say so and maybe we can make our account even better. 


WOAH. We have 52 followers! This is CRAZY especially because we haven't done ANYTHING. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! 
          If you would so kind as to let us know why exactly you followed us feel free to say so and maybe we can make our account even better. 


First, I wanted to say MCR is life!!! 
          Second, I was hoping maybe you wouldn't mind reading my new story "Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover"?! It would really mean a lot to me. And if you do read it and like it so far you can vote and/or comment. Or don't like it, maybe you can comment and let me know what's wrong with it. Okay, sorry for interrupting your peace. And thank you for taking the time to read this! Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening! ☺


@ITellStoriesNotLies Thank you anyway. If you get the chance then great! If not then that's okay too.


@ITellStoriesNotLies Heh i would love too but i wont promise anything because we havent been getting on Wattpad much. 