[19/10, 19:25] Imogen: "We all just recently moved down the street. Different houses of course. We met up to play in the wood." She told her
[19/10, 19:26] Imogen: "oh well you must not drive to deep into the woods."
[19/10, 19:26] Imogen: "I told them that!" James exclaimed.
[19/10, 19:27] Imogen: "really? You are a sensible boy. What is your name" she asked
[19/10, 19:27] Imogen: Something about that glint in her eyes, the smirk in her smile.
[19/10, 19:27] Imogen: Lily looked into her eyes.
[19/10, 19:28] Imogen: Pools of darkness.
[19/10, 19:28] Imogen: It had a hint of death.
[19/10, 19:28] Imogen: Lily knew something was happening.
[19/10, 19:28] Imogen: But she needed Georgina.
[19/10, 19:28] Imogen: She could help.
[19/10, 19:29] Imogen: But as lily turned around she saw her with Daniel, in deep conversation as usual, she did not want to disturb.
[19/10, 19:30] Imogen: But this woman, lily knew she was pure evil.
[19/10, 19:30] Imogen: "It's.." he began.
[19/10, 19:30] Imogen: "doesn't matter!" Lily interrupted.
[19/10, 19:30] Imogen: The woman scowled at lily and lily scowled back.
[19/10, 19:31] Imogen: This was going downhill.
[19/10, 19:31] Imogen: .....