
Hey yall. Sorry I haven’t been very active, as I’ve been very busy as of lately, such as going on a recent camping trip and Vegas trip. Next roleplay I’ll have up is a SAW roleplay book! I haven’t found a single one, and I’ve started to become much more interested in the series lately. Hope to have it out soon! Until next time, see ya!


Hey yall. Sorry I haven’t been very active, as I’ve been very busy as of lately, such as going on a recent camping trip and Vegas trip. Next roleplay I’ll have up is a SAW roleplay book! I haven’t found a single one, and I’ve started to become much more interested in the series lately. Hope to have it out soon! Until next time, see ya!


Quick question yall. What roleplay ideas do you guys want me to make into a RP book? I’m a little low on ideas at the moment, so I could use some help from you guys :3


maybe high school or a mythical rp

          Link to the rp I was talking about yesterday,you don't have to look at it but the link is here if you wanna 


@babyshodow ah nice! I’ll check it out right now


Hey yall! Sorry it’s been a while, haha. I took a little break from posting much, but I’m back again! I’ve put out a Wild West roleplay since I’ve seen literally only one that’s inactive now. If you want to check it out, I’ll see yall there! Yeehaw!