Why is it that women are insecure about their bodies no matter what?
I'd say I have a curvy figure, not an hourglass but I have curves, but I'm insecure about it. I met someone who literally said "Girls in my culture are skinny, not as broad-shouldered as me, they look like you."
She was broad-shouldered, I won't lie, and I'm not-
She literally had a figure I wanted to have and I had one SHE wanted to have-
So why is THIS normalized and why can't "Being happy with you" get MORE normalized? I know it's probably on its way, if not already, normalized but damn-
Why can't we de-normalize body envy, all that does is make you hurt to get the figure you want.
Yeah, I probably sound like an inconsiderate bitch, but I tried wording this the best way I could.