[I've been thinking for quite some time now...Why doesn't Hetalia Season 5 just make an episode with Nyotalia?! :D Give dem female version and males versions some GLOREH! P.S. WHo else fangirled their heart out when they saw Romania in Season Five: Episode Two?! Can't just be me right?! XD]
[I've been thinking for quite some time now...Why doesn't Hetalia Season 5 just make an episode with Nyotalia?! :D Give dem female version and males versions some GLOREH! P.S. WHo else fangirled their heart out when they saw Romania in Season Five: Episode Two?! Can't just be me right?! XD]
@_London_Kirkland Amy: -turns to Anna- You!! My states have YOUR eyebrows! That's...that's horrible!!! Anna: Uh, correction. Your states have my BROTHER's an UNCLE's eyebrows. Not me, I have perfect looking brows~!