Today Episode 9 officially ended filming. This is lowkey so emotional. This trilogy changed my life for real. I never saw a SW till TFA and then I became obsessed. And Daisy/Rey are both my inspirations in life. Honestly these movies just make me feel good and it’s so sad that its nearly over. But I’m very excited for a teaser trailer/ movie title! The trio looked so freaking cute in an insta pic I’m wheezing.
I forgot to post on the day. But one year and two days ago I saw The Last Jedi for the first time. I remember I made my pop-pop buy tickets in October for the earliest show we could get. So Sunday December 17 2017 at 9:30 am I saw a movie that changed my life.
I might make a kylo ren story. Unfortunately it won’t be a Kylo X Reader. I’m thinking about making him a daughter. I’ve always had this in my mind since the TFA came out in 2015. THATS ALMOST FOUR YEARS THAT I JUST DIDNT DO THIS. I need to do this