
Okay beautiful humans I need new title ideas for Earl Grey Memories. I'm sure you can all agree that the title doesn't really suit the book or give any hint to what a potential reader is getting into. So; IDEAS WOULD BE SOOOO APPRECIATED!! If you have a bunch then tell them all, if you have one then comment the one. If I use your title idea I'll obviously give you credit, or if yours is what I based the new one off of :D Thanks guys!


@The_Golden_Journal or 'Their Hidden Secrets'


@The_Golden_Journal just suggesting, you could make the title as 'The Secrets We Don't Tell' or 'The Secrets We Hide'


I have not used/been to Wattpad in a few years now, >< but coming back I caught up with my virtual online reading, Earl Grey being one of the top books to finish, and now I'm being tortured wondering what will happen next. Commenting on your story, it is still as wonderful as it was when I first started reading it! I enjoy it very much and am looking forward to what will happen next :)


Okay beautiful humans I need new title ideas for Earl Grey Memories. I'm sure you can all agree that the title doesn't really suit the book or give any hint to what a potential reader is getting into. So; IDEAS WOULD BE SOOOO APPRECIATED!! If you have a bunch then tell them all, if you have one then comment the one. If I use your title idea I'll obviously give you credit, or if yours is what I based the new one off of :D Thanks guys!


@The_Golden_Journal or 'Their Hidden Secrets'


@The_Golden_Journal just suggesting, you could make the title as 'The Secrets We Don't Tell' or 'The Secrets We Hide'


Thanks for adding my story to your reading list! I hope you have time to read the updates. I know you are busy. I miss reading your story!!! You are an awesome author!


@The_Golden_Journal Just checking in to see how your writing is progressing. I am completely stuck on the ending for my story.


I really hope I can get an update up soon! :) Thank you so much for your compliments, you guys are so supportive ❤️


Aw don't worry about me! I know that it's been a long time... I could make excuses (I do have kind of a lot going on right now) but my level of inspiration has been quite low to write anything at all recently :/ I'm not sure why, but it's March break next week so maybe I will try to get an update ready soon! 


Merry Christmas everyone! I'm so thankful to the Lord for his son Jesus and that salvation and pure love that came with him. 
          Be kind.
          Be thoughtful. 
          Be thankful.
          I'm so thankful for all of you, my readers that comment and vote furiously and the silent ones alike! I haven't been posting anything for a few months (very sorry but writers block hasn't been dealing very kindly with me lately). Merry Christmas!! :)