
Sorry for my lack of activity on this account, I've had writers block with my stories on here and schools just started again. 
          	Sorry to disappoint all of you guys/gals. 


Hello anyone and everyone who ever reads this, I just wanted to mention something I found out recently.
          The first person who I spoke to on Wattpad, and the person who has inspired me to continue writing since her first comments on my fanfiction LxLight, has revealed that she has a chronic illness known as Myelogenous Leukaemia. This is probably the most upsetting news I have heard since the news of a family member passing and brought me to tears.
          I just wanted to write a few things for her as a reminder that she is awesome and even with her illnesses, she seems to be one of the most happy and awe-inspiring people I have ever met, over the net or otherwise. 
          Nymph, you mentioned that I was your favourite author in what you wrote before, I thank you for the compliment but most of what I wrote was written in thought of whether you would enjoy it or not, so whenever you mentioned at the end of the chapters that you liked it, I thought of it as the best praise I could probably ever have on anything I wrote. I promise I will finish the fanfictions I have started before anything happens to you, so that you are never left on a cliffhanger! 
          Thank you for commenting on my story that day :) you're an amazing girl and I hope you enjoy everything until the very end, just don't leave without saying goodbye. You're the best person I've met so far on wattpad and better than most of the people I've met in person. 
          Thank you for being my inspiration for writing, it truly was an honor meeting you, talking to you, receiving your advice, and I hope I can still get your opinion on the things I write. 
          And thanks for being my friend the past few months since we met ^-^ keep your head up and shout to the world how fabulous you are, you pineapple


I can accept that type of death if it is under those conditions, it's also good to see from my side that she has friends like you to be there for her :) 


@TheAngelicSnail I know I am really late but thank you for being kind to Sagami. She is a good person and it is a shame what is happening to her but to know that people are taking care of her makes me happy. Just knoe that if you hurt her your death will not be quick or painless.