Yes. I know. I haven't updated for almost a year now I'm sorry... I've been feeling extremely suicidal lately and.. I don't think I can hold on much longer... I'm losing hope at a fast rate... So...that's the real reason why I haven't written in a while.. I'm very sorry... I'm just..not okay

@The_JMRo_Studios Hey everything is gonna be alright, I may not be able to really help but i gotta at least try, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDkwrWU-TN8, i don't know if this will really help you but it helped me when i was feeling the same way you did

@The_JMRo_Studios I admittedly sat here for about ten or so minutes trying to figure out what to write and hoping it wouldn't ring hollow; I really feel that if you want to hurt yourself, you should really see about talking to someone; a suicide hotline, a therapist, a doctor, someone who is medically trained to understand what you're feeling and help you handle those feelings in a constructive way because as much as we care about what you're going through, we're not trained (well, most of us aren't) to help you in the ways that count, and I would really hate for some rando on the internet to say the wrong thing to you (even if the intentions were good) and push you over the edge. We care about you and want you to stick around, which means finding someone that can get you through this rough patch in (hopefully) one piece. I know it probably doesn't feel like it'll ever end, but nothing lasts forever, good or bad, and you'll eventually make it to a point where the things you're feeling won't feel quite as bad, but you have to be alive to get to that point; if that means not updating a book for a year or two, then that's what happens because a book isn't as important as knowing that you're still here and still fighting for your happiness. Take care of yourself because there are people that care about you.

@The_JMRo_Studios oh no pls recover. I actually don't read your stories but i alwys see your comments at other fanfics i read and some of them i actually laughed at. But it's ok if don't update. Your mental health is more important than them. Well, hopefully you'll recover soon, goodbye.