
Hello everyone! My name is The Killer Legacy, and I write fanfics. I hope you enjoy the stories I post here from time to time. The first fanfic I posted here is a My Little Pony fanfic, involving Sweetie Belle. Please leave a comment about what you think of the story after you finish reading it, as it encourages me to write more.


Hello everyone! My name is The Killer Legacy, and I write fanfics. I hope you enjoy the stories I post here from time to time. The first fanfic I posted here is a My Little Pony fanfic, involving Sweetie Belle. Please leave a comment about what you think of the story after you finish reading it, as it encourages me to write more.


Olá pessoal! Meu nome é The Killer Legacy, e eu escrevo fanfics. Eu espero que vocês gostem das histórias que eu postar aqui de vez em quando. A primeira fanfic que postei aqui é uma fanfic de My Little Pony, envolvendo a Sweetie Belle. Comentem o que acham da história ao terminarem de ler, por favor, isso me incentiva á escrever mais.