
@mikhail-the-traveler Ambrosine quickly once more drew her sword, pulling it high enough up from its resting place to intercept his blade, the tip of hers pointing down, whipping her tail around to the left, thiugh instead of attempting to pierce him straight away, she pulled it infront of her having it angeled towards his abdomen as she would then attempt to pierce it through his abdomen from that position


@mikhail-the-traveler Ambrosine quickly once more drew her sword, pulling it high enough up from its resting place to intercept his blade, the tip of hers pointing down, whipping her tail around to the left, thiugh instead of attempting to pierce him straight away, she pulled it infront of her having it angeled towards his abdomen as she would then attempt to pierce it through his abdomen from that position


@mikhail-the-traveler Ambrosine,  going at the speed she was, wouldn't have much time to dodge the blade, therefore it would meet woth the soft underbelly of her tail as a reaction she reared back with a loud hiss, and threw her dagger at him, aiming for the left shoulder,  using her strength to throw it at the fastest speed she could accomplish with the dagger


@mikhail-the-traveler as she sees the blade flying at her, she lept to the right side to allow it to miss the more important areas, though due to the sheer size of her tail it was likely to hit somewhere as she would dive away, hissing at him, she then would slither quickly with enough momentum off the edge of the wall, using her tail to push further, to fly out at him, her dagger still in hand, aiming to lodge it into his shoulder


Ambrosine took the moment while he was in the jump to slither back to a proper stance,  and quickly went to slither up the wall as he would crouch, so she can look down at him. she slips her sword down into its proper holding place, pulling out a long dagger in her right hand instead, keeping her left hand free. where the ground had rumbled on the left side, another wall came shooting out in his direction,  though this time seemed to sliver into shards and stones that flew at him, using this more as a distraction method than anything


@mikhail-the-traveler the rumble in the ground sounds once more before the forest floor on the right hand side broke open, sending a stone and dirt mixed wall jutting up from the ground, its trajectory was aimed directly for him, as Ambrosine twisted her tail around,  which would send her upper body into a twist to face him, and allowed herself to fall slightly backwards,  to get out of the possible vicinity of any attack he might attempt at the very momemt, along with getting out of the way of the stone wall she created


@mikhail-the-traveler Ambrosine pushed back against his as he would push against her, and quickly lashes her tail away this time swinging it from her right to aim to his left side. she would then quickly flick her right elbow  upwards, which seemed to create a soft rumble from both their left side and their right, almost like a warning coming from the earth


@mikhail-the-traveler Ambrosine's flexible snake body allowed for a quick dodge to the left, in which she then pulled her blade up to meet and clash with his to block his slice. her long, needle tipped tail, which was covered by the sharp metal armor, flew out speedily to her left side and aimed to stab the needle like tip into his right side, ((sense they're facing eachother, her left would be your right)) just above his hip bone