
Dear Friends,
          	As some of you may know, SPY DUST will be published on December 15th. While my focus remains largely on my family at the moment, I wanted to share this milestone with those who have supported me through this journey.
          	As a thank you to all of you, I'll be conducting modest giveaways on Goodreads, Instagram and TikTok.
          	The first giveaway for a hardcover edition of SPY DUST has gone life today, December 5th, on and you can enter until January 3rd.
          	Unfortunately, Goodreads' policies limit all giveaways to entries from the US and Canada. I understand this may be disappointing for many of you outside these regions, but I promise my other giveaways (on Instagram and TikTok) will be open to entries from all regions.
          	Thanks to you all for all the support and friendship.


Entered! Can’t wait to finally see this book be published after so long 


YESSSS! I’ve been waiting for this for a long time  and congrats btw! 


Dear Friends,
          As some of you may know, SPY DUST will be published on December 15th. While my focus remains largely on my family at the moment, I wanted to share this milestone with those who have supported me through this journey.
          As a thank you to all of you, I'll be conducting modest giveaways on Goodreads, Instagram and TikTok.
          The first giveaway for a hardcover edition of SPY DUST has gone life today, December 5th, on and you can enter until January 3rd.
          Unfortunately, Goodreads' policies limit all giveaways to entries from the US and Canada. I understand this may be disappointing for many of you outside these regions, but I promise my other giveaways (on Instagram and TikTok) will be open to entries from all regions.
          Thanks to you all for all the support and friendship.


Entered! Can’t wait to finally see this book be published after so long 


YESSSS! I’ve been waiting for this for a long time  and congrats btw! 


For those of you who have been asking: The original version of Russian Gambit (including the steamy scenes) will remain available to readers on RΑDΙЅΗ FΙСΤΙΟΝ. I write under the pen name @ TheMafiaGal, but you can also find the story by simply searching for the title Russian Gambit.


Hi first of all im sending prayers to your dad and i hope he'll get better. And as a reader of your russian gambit i want to ask you if it will be possible to read it's explicit parts on your website bcs it's not written in wattpad version?


@The_Mafia_Gal hey thank you for your effort


@Diamond4525 So, turns out I can mention RΑDΙЅΗ FΙСΤΙΟΝ after all (there is some kind of Wattpad myth going around, saying that authors are not allowed to mention that they write on RΑDΙЅΗ as the app is a direct competitor to Wattpad. Turns out that's not true, because all the author's do it). Anyways, the last two steamy chapters will be up in a week. I'll give you a heads up when they are out. Take care! ❤️


@Diamond4525 Apparently I’m not even allowed to mention the other app where Russian Gambit is available here on Wattpad, but in case you didn’t write down the chapter numbers that I’ve sent before, you can DM me. ❤️


I’m so sorry. My grandmother, who was really one of my best friends, died from her battle with leukemia. I know it can be kind of annoying when people say I get you, but I really do. Sending a electronic hug.


@The_Mafia_Gal you sent this on my b day 


@BooksReplaceSleep I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss and deeply appreciate your empathy and kindness. I'm embracing you across the aether of the internet and sending you all the love in the world.


I understand and know just how you are feeling, a year ago my husband was diagnosed as well. 
          Sending you hugs.


@Saraleh613 My dear, I'm incredibly touched by your message. Hearing about your husband's diagnosis and, knowing in one part and only guessing in the other, what you have gone and are going through, makes every reply I can write here sound shallow. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your husband as well.


It's been far too long since I last posted anything or replied to the unread messages in my inbox—and I owe you all both an apology and an explanation.
          The delay in the publishing date of Spy Dust wasn't the sole reason for my absence. There was another, deeply personal one: my father's cancer diagnosis.
          The diagnosis felt like the earth was pulled out from beneath me. Every ounce of strength I had vanished; I couldn't face the world, let alone focus on Spy Dust. Out of sheer self-preservation, I bought back the rights to Spy Dust from my publisher and tucked it away for good. The idea of writing, publishing, or promoting a book while my dad was fighting cancer felt impossible. Then, this spring, things began to look brighter. For a while, it seemed like my dad was getting better. And so was I. I tried to find my footing again and even started seriously thinking about writing and publishing again.
          And then, yesterday, all those hopes were shattered.
          The cancer is back, and it’s everywhere.
          My father is facing his illness with the same unwavering calm with which he has gone through life. Until his diagnosis, I believed I inherited his fortitude, but I haven’t. I'm not ready for this.
          While I tried to hide my pain from him, he knows me far too well to be deceived. Yesterday, he asked me to promise him one thing: to not put my life on hold, even as his life draws to a close. I gave him that promise.
          And I intend to keep it.
          Even though I was crying all day, I tried to be strong and reviewed all my manuscripts: Spy Dust and its sequel, Moscow Winter, as well as the prequel, Mercury. Writing once brought me so much joy, and I hope it will again—at the moment maybe only so that I don’t break my promise to my dad, but I hope sometime in the future, I will also write purely for my own joy again.
          Part 1/2


@MaskedParkers Thank you so much for your heartfelt message. Your words of support mean a lot to me during this difficult time. Sending you lots of love! Laureline ❤️


I'm barely seeing this message but my heart aches for you. I'm so sorry you are going through this. This was so beautiful but heartbreaking to read, but I pray for the strength for you and your family to get through this. I will support you all the way just like you've supported me. 


@writerenee Thank you so much for your message and for keeping my family and me in your prayers. It means a lot! Sending you lots of love! ❤️