
Just a general thought for your minds when you add an authors story to your libraries, just like artists that put music out, we can see what you title those libraries. I personally don't mind if someone isn't a fan of my writing, I know it's not for everyone, but there are plenty of younger, less confident creators on this platform, that might take that to heart and never continue to create. If we stop creating, we stop growing and improving in our craft. Be gentle with others.


Just a general thought for your minds when you add an authors story to your libraries, just like artists that put music out, we can see what you title those libraries. I personally don't mind if someone isn't a fan of my writing, I know it's not for everyone, but there are plenty of younger, less confident creators on this platform, that might take that to heart and never continue to create. If we stop creating, we stop growing and improving in our craft. Be gentle with others.


Hey Y'all! Some of you may have noticed that I've "completed" several stories that don't really seem like they're at their conclusion. These 9-ish stories I've had really bad writer's block with and have decided to close them for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, I will find inspiration for them again because I don't like leaving things incomplete. Thankfully, The Heir, is one of these stories that were on hold that I have already started working on again.


Hey guys, I have temporarily unpublished Ms. Black Blades because I am going to be making some changes to it and I didn't want to confuse all of you with them. Also, as someone who has been on here for almost five years now, as writers, we appreciate criticism but when you try and insult something that an author does that's not criticism. As an advocate for positivity and treating other's the way you want to be treated, I will not be standing for such things on my feed anymore. I will take the time to address your statement privately with you and it will be removed. If you wish for others to be kind to you then give others the same respect. I love you guys and I hope that I can start updating more even if it's just for myself.


To answer your question, I had one of those moments when I was editing that story where I really didn’t like the character names anymore. I just felt that they didn’t truly suit who the characters were.


This message is for those of you that are reading my stories. I am going through all of my stories and making sure that each chapter is at least 2000 words, so you will being getting a lot of updates on old chapters being re-uploaded. I will even be doing this to my completed stories, but the plot lines will not change I promise. Thank you for your time and I love y'all!


Are you going to continue writing Texas and Wisconsin?


@joejonasishot thank you for understanding! The stories that do have new chapters uploaded it's because the chapters have been written for awhile and I was waiting to publish them.


Ok! I completely understand!


Yes I am. I've just been really busy with school and work