
Hi everyone..
          	Well... I won't beat around the bush: Do you know the Neobook application?  Personally I didn't know her, but if I tell you about her it's more or less something happening...and I wanted to talk to you about it.
          	So here's how it happened for me: I literally just woke up, I look at the time on my phone and there I see (among all the other notifications I have) a notification from Wattpad, nothing  'worrying, so I look and I come across a message from another user who tells me without further context "are you going to publish on Neobook?", at the time I was a little perplexed. Why this question ?  Neobook, what is it?  Why now ?  Anyway, I replied that I didn't think I would, and then, I was curious now;  what is this app?
          	So I searched for "Neobook" and came across their home page (if you want to take a look, you can do so), anyway, I'll spare you all that but then another search suggestion caught my eye : “Neobook vs Wattpad”, what is that?  I found myself again on Wattpad on a page which explains to you what this neobook application has, its strong points but the problems with Wattpad..and their bad points..
          	So I would like to share this page with you because I think few people know it (maybe I'm wrong and everyone already knew about this app but I wanted to tell you about it)
          	(Idk if that's gonna work)


Hi everyone..
          Well... I won't beat around the bush: Do you know the Neobook application?  Personally I didn't know her, but if I tell you about her it's more or less something happening...and I wanted to talk to you about it.
          So here's how it happened for me: I literally just woke up, I look at the time on my phone and there I see (among all the other notifications I have) a notification from Wattpad, nothing  'worrying, so I look and I come across a message from another user who tells me without further context "are you going to publish on Neobook?", at the time I was a little perplexed. Why this question ?  Neobook, what is it?  Why now ?  Anyway, I replied that I didn't think I would, and then, I was curious now;  what is this app?
          So I searched for "Neobook" and came across their home page (if you want to take a look, you can do so), anyway, I'll spare you all that but then another search suggestion caught my eye : “Neobook vs Wattpad”, what is that?  I found myself again on Wattpad on a page which explains to you what this neobook application has, its strong points but the problems with Wattpad..and their bad points..
          So I would like to share this page with you because I think few people know it (maybe I'm wrong and everyone already knew about this app but I wanted to tell you about it)
          (Idk if that's gonna work)


Bonjour tout le monde...
          Bon.. je ne tournerai pas autour du pot : Connaissez vous l'application Neobook ? Perso je ne la connaissais pas, mais si je vous parle de sa c que il c'est plus ou moins passer quelque je tenais à vous en parler.
          Alors voilà comment cela c'est passé pour moi : je viens littéralement de me réveiller, je regarde l'heure sur mon téléphone et là je vois (parmi toutes les autres notif' que j'ai) une notif' de Wattpad, jusqu'ici rien d'inquiétant, donc je regarde et je tombe sur un message d'un autre utilisateur qui me dis sans plus de contexte "are you gonna publish on Neobook ?" (Allez-vous publier sur Neobook ?), sur le moment j'étais un peu perplexe. Pourquoi cette question ? Neobook, qu'es que c'est ? Pourquoi maintenant ? Bref j'ai répondu que je ne pensais pas le faire, et puis, j'étais curieuse maintenant ; qu'es que c'est que cette app ?
          Donc j'ai recherché "Neobook" et je suis tombé sur leur page d'accueil (si vous voulez aller jeter un œil libre à vous de le faire), bref je vous passe tout ça mais ensuite une autre suggestion de recherche a attiré mon attention : "Neobook vs Wattpad", qu'es que c'est que ça ? Je me suis de nouveau retrouvé sur Wattpad sur une page qui vous explique se qu'ai cette application neobook, ces points forts mais les problèmes avec Wattpad et leur mauvais point..
          J'aimerai donc vous partager cette page (malheureusement c'est de l'anglais mais vous pouvez faire la recherche sur le web avec les indications de comment j'ai trouvé cette page et utiliser la traduction) car je pense que peu de personnes le savent (peut être je me trompes et tout le monde le savait deja a propos de cette app' mais je tenais a vous en parler)
          (Je ne sais pas si ça va marcher)


@The_Mist_Arious tqt, en plus on m'a demandé la mm chose y'a quelques mois


(oui je dis que je ne vais pas tourner autour du pot mais je le fais quand même ;-;)