hey guys i have a problem and i rlly need help to figure out what to do, so i was walking my dog Loki (hes a corgi) and your friendly neighborhood Karen walks up to me taping my shoulder saying " ExCuSe Me MiSs bUt Do YoU KnOw WhErE HoUsE ###### Is?" and i respond with "yes" and i point to the house that she was looking for, then she starts sonic running to the house and then stops and slowly turns back at me saying" YoUnG MiSs WhY DoSe YoUr HaIr StYlEd LiKe ThAt OnLy BoYs ArE AlLoWeD tO wEaR ThErE HaIr LiKe ThAt!" in a kind of shocked voice i say"ma'am i am a boy" I stated," No YoU'Er NoT! She screamed, and the argument kept going back and forth until I decided to leave.and now every time I go outside she comes out to harass me... what should i do?