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There are very few times where someone has reached out for my advice. There are fewer times where someone has said they were inspired by my bullshit (hello person I see you, you gave me a confidence boost for months ngl). I figure I can put in a good amount of my advice for fellow writers and people who want to start on Wattpad.
The times that I've given advice, I'd describe it as kind of overwhelming. I tend to write long, complex sentences to get my points across, which *can* work, but sometimes get just as overwhelming as my advice.
That's where simpler sentences come in. Sentence structure is very important. You've definitely heard that before. You can control the tone and increase tension in the important, action-y parts of your story with short sentences, unfinished sentences, and paragraphs that are literally just one sentence. When it gets serious, but not action-packed, there's utilizing longer sentences to describe what's going on in more detail as the narrator is focusing on everything around them instead of just the important part.
It sounds easy, yes, but action tends to sacrifice complete detail in writing. That gets very painful for some people, including me. Writing overall is a skill you get better at, and eventually you have a writing style that is completely your own.
You don't have to take this advice specifically, but I like using this type of sentence structure when the tension is there and rising. Short sentences can be just as impactful as, if not more than, long sentences.