Well, it's time for a daily mission! Yup, Hanabi is backkkkkkk! This time, there will be two different daily missions, the craft one and the physical violence one (I know I normally advise against violence but I'm currently really annoyed with this boy in my class and feeling especially violent hehe)
Non-violent mission: Create a paper crown for yourself. Take a photo and post it up so other people may admire your creative skill.
Violent: Now I know a lot of (not all) boys may say mean and nasty things. Here's a simple guide as to what you can do.
Boy: *says something mean and nasty*
Girl: *calmly closes book* Words can hurt too you know.
(NOTE: If at this point, he stops and apologises, do not carry out the following)
Boy: Oh yeah?
Girl: *lifts up book and whacks him over the head* Yeah.
Re-enact this simple scene with some rude person! But to be fair, don't hit that person TOO hard. Don't want any of my army members getting in trouble! :3