We are no longer @HiddenFantasySciFi but  now @The_RRR. This reflects our removal of the "only fantasy/sci-fi" policy :)


          @SkriBlerLenZ here.
          Starting today and spanning over the next week or so, the RRR will be undergoing some MAJOR changes.
          These will involve:
          1) Username changing to "The_RRR". I've been thinking and no longer want the RRR to just be about Fantasy and Sci-Fi. See next point.
          2) No longer just reviewing Fantasy and Sci-Fi. I want to branch out and incorporate not only Fantasy and Sci-Fi, but also Horror, Mystery, and Action. 
          I know there are some good Teen-Fic stories out there, but these will ONLY be accepted if they have one of the above genres as well.
          3) An overhaul of the moderator/review/general system. I've been trolling  @editorsUNITE and have gathered several ideas from their system of doing things and am going to incorporate it with ideas from you guys. 
          4) Incorporating "the forums" into how we do things. Among other things, it will also help us gain more publicity by just being there.
          5) Still tossing around  using Google Docs. I understand and appreciate what @Atolycus says, but I am just planning on using Google Docs for a backup of reviews that ALL mods can access.
          So there you go guys. I think that sums everything up. The way to become a Mod is also going to change slightly (SLIGHTLY), so if you still want to be one it'd be great if you could sorta, resign up :P If you don't want to stay a mod, then don't bother resigning up :)
          Thanks for the support :)


Greetings Rebels and Wizards! (ugh. Diplomacy) 
          The RRR has appeared to have have become very quiet and I (@SkriBlerLenZ) do NOT like it. We still have heaps of stories rolling in, and no one to moderate/read them.
          Granted, I haven't been keeping on top of the... ah, paperwork? as much as I should be, but I really don't think it's fair to just have me doing it.... >_>
          So! New ideas!
          People keep suggesting websites and things, but I really think it's a bad idea to take Wattpad away from Wattpad and stick it somewhere else. 
          HOWEVER some form of organization that Wattpad can't offer at the moment IS needed. And I've thought of something that we can use to keep things organized, that doesn't involve Wattpad.
          Any of you heard of Google? How about Gmail? And GoogleDocs? Yes? EXCELLENT!  
          So the idea is, Story Submissions are PMed to this account. 
          Requests to become a moderator are also PMed to this account. 
          However, once you become a Moderator, you can choose to either just review stories, OR to ALSO play an active role in the behind the scenes. 
          I'm thinking of creating a Gmail for the RRR so that we can use GoogleDocs to store the reviews for all the stories (no horror stories when Wattpad goes down :P ) and being able to email behind the scenes mods about - stuff. 
          I'm going to do some work on that tonight, and try and get this all set up so that peoples' stories start actually getting read :) 
          Please, please, PLEASE feedback! People! Talk to me!!!!!!! :D