Since Spencer asked me to homecoming I asked the big question to be my boyfriend and he said yes and then my older cousins Josh and Madden asked him questions and then my dad. SO WE ARE OFFICIALLY DATING! I’m going to put his face reveal in Ryder as the bad guy so look out for that! He is 15 like me! Yay! He is not going to have a Wattpad so ya. But he does like Paw patrol too and me might help me with Ryder as the bad guy you never know
Guys Spencer asked me to homecoming. And Caleb found out and asked me forgiveness but my two older cousins Josh and Madden who are 20 and 19 grabbed both of his arms and threw him in our bushes
Yall we have a new kid named Spencer and he likes paw patrol too. He helped me with my books when I needed it he is super sweet and he is from California. I’m going to be friends with him.