
Hello people of Wattpad! How are you doing on this fine day?


Hello everyone! I just posted the new story! It's called The Ocean Express, and the synopsis might sound like it's kind of scary, but the first chapter isn't scary at all. I'm not sure if I'm going to write more chapters, or if it I'm just gonna leave it at what I have posted right now, but… I hope you like it! Post comments (no pressure, just if you want to) and let me know what you think! Have a great day!


Hi! How are y'all doing?


@TabbySong Nice! Right now I'm preparing for an interview. (I'm interviewing someone who works at NASA) It's for school. : D


@The_Red_Headband I’m good. Currently rearranging my room. Wbu?


Hi! HAPPY PI DAY! 3.141592653589793238462643383... I posted a new story called "Story I Haven't Named Yet", and if you saw one if my announcements from a little while ago, I said I would be posting a short story that I wrote from school, and well... that is the story. So, if you want to go read it, I posted it on Wattpad last night. I hope y'all have the BEST DAY EVER!


Hi! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a really long time. I wanted to let y’all know that I am working on two writing assignments  for school, and once I have finished those, I will put those on Wattpad. I hope you have a fabulous rest of your day!