
this message may be offensive
Batman idea prompt (the song Ruthlessness from Epic:the musical) Imagine Robin became Red Robin with the same moral gray attitude that Red Hood has (protects innocents andndoesnt kill evryone but once youve proven or done something youn cant be redeemed from your dead without hesitation type stuff) Now imagine Red Robin was out on a mission without Red Hood and Joker got jim so Red Robin was about to kill the Joker and Batman catches him (maybe superman is there too) anyway batman goes to stop Red Robin from killing Joker but ends up injurying him. Batman takes Joker back to arkham and Red Robin escapes. RED hood ends up finding out batman hurt Red Robin (extra point if Superman was there) and goes to the watchtower (using his own codes that were never taken out) to get revenge on Batman for him. Thus becoming a big event where the justic league learns not to fuck with Red hood and Red Robin lmao


I am so late in saying this but i just got back into reading sanders sides fanfic and had to say bloodbond literally altered my life i think at this point. Its just absolutely beautiful lol. kudos to you for writing something so flawless


Are you still going to upload more of Revived?


due not die...
            I hate typing on my phone lmao


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@susana401 yeah I am. The problem is die to a lot of things going on in my life plus medical shit I havent been able to really write. Sorry about that. I can try to focus on this one for the next update but I still dont know when that'll be.


It feels like we're always in similar fandom spaces, I haven't really looked at your stuff since the demigod sanders sides fic but checking in and seeing your new batman works just feels so funny bc I've been in the trenches for a year now on AO3. I recommend looking into DP XDC if you haven't, it's a danny phantom crossover thing and it's a really fun time! There's even a community tumblr and discord. My most recent one tho has definitely been hermit craft,,,,


are u still editing Bound To Fae


k i was just wandering, i'm a huge fan of the story. Please take your time,& thx


@81DragonsLostWings18 yeah I am sorry about it being slow. I'm currently in college and also have like 4 completely different hyperfixations right now so I'm all over the place.


this message may be offensive
Batman idea prompt (the song Ruthlessness from Epic:the musical) Imagine Robin became Red Robin with the same moral gray attitude that Red Hood has (protects innocents andndoesnt kill evryone but once youve proven or done something youn cant be redeemed from your dead without hesitation type stuff) Now imagine Red Robin was out on a mission without Red Hood and Joker got jim so Red Robin was about to kill the Joker and Batman catches him (maybe superman is there too) anyway batman goes to stop Red Robin from killing Joker but ends up injurying him. Batman takes Joker back to arkham and Red Robin escapes. RED hood ends up finding out batman hurt Red Robin (extra point if Superman was there) and goes to the watchtower (using his own codes that were never taken out) to get revenge on Batman for him. Thus becoming a big event where the justic league learns not to fuck with Red hood and Red Robin lmao


Wattpad keeps glitching on me and nearly sending me into panics thinking it's deleted things on me... It made one of my books disappear so I thought I deleted it and didn't bring it back until I unpublished a different book and THE took away my drafts for the book and wouldn't give them back until I refreshed. Things just keep vanishing and uuuugh


@The_Revenant_King The same things been happening to me too!!! There was one time where I was trying to go back and look at some of my really old works, from when I was in like middle school or so. But I couldn't find it in my drafts, and when I contacted tech support they were like "Yeah, that happens sometimes. We might be able to get it back, but its probably just gone for good. We recommend keeping your stories backed up on google docs".  It's so annoying! And luckily I haven't had any stories actually deleted since then, but just like you there have been some moments where it can get a little scary.


nvrmnd i just put them in discord lmao


@VailedStarz I would gladly give you the files when I manage to transfer things over that way you can have them in case wattpad ever does sh*t the bed lmao... Right now I only have a few though I really need to get everything done so that I can have them and not worry about things crashing and getting deleted on me.


I am trying to FINALLY get this epilogue done so TBAC can be 100% finished and oml I have no idea how I'm supposed to start this aaaaaaaaaaah ;n;
          I'll figure it out but also I have so many people I have to make sure I mention at least once in it


            Thank You Thank You Thank 3


Oh... also I've changed my user again obvi... Felt more like The_Revenant_King than PrevailedPrince so... yeah


            Most Definitely!‼️


@VailedStarz Lolz I mean I am King hahahaha


@The_Revenant_King I've been calling you King since before I knew your name 