Awards are closing soon! Please see our comments and make sure your following the rules if you got denied.
During the month of February we will be judging and handing out prizes for the last awards.
Awards are closing soon! Please see our comments and make sure your following the rules if you got denied.
During the month of February we will be judging and handing out prizes for the last awards.
Hey everyone I apologize if I denied you and you are following the rules.
This is in regards usually to the first rule. We request that if you are already following us please unfollow and refollow so we can find you easier.
<3 thank you we wish you all the best good luck!
For those of you who won an Honorable Mention in The Autumn Awards, we highly recommend you enter again in The Winter Awards!
We encourage all participants to enter again! You never know the next time could be your time!
Winter Awards and Splash Poetry Winter Section are now OPEN! Feel free to enter if you did not win last season!
(if you received an honorable mention you may enter again)