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goddd i was reading some old books i wrote on here and i was kind of.. an asshole. especially on my rant book what. anyways sometimes the urge to delete this account overcomes me but its also kind of like an archive of simpler times. No i don’t miss middle school, but it was funny how my worst fear was people laughing at me. that could be the least of my problems now. and i used to be so creative now it’s difficult to bring myself to finish a drawing.
living the #americandream working retail now, usually too drained to indulge myself in the things i used to love. here though, i could roleplay, make friends, draw the most unfunny things ever but have fun in it! i do miss these times. a lot. but now im turning 20 (eww!) and paying taxes for the first time this year.
i doubt anyone will read this at all as this account and app as a whole is dead, but thank you for being there. i still remember posting here fondly with good memories. and while its not much of a big deal, as silly as it is to say this account played a part in who i am today.