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Are your notifications working? Because mine aren't, it always says: "there seems to be an error connecting to wattpad..." whenever I try to open someone's replies to my comments.
Are your notifications working? Because mine aren't, it always says: "there seems to be an error connecting to wattpad..." whenever I try to open someone's replies to my comments.
@twerkin_mosquito34 I'm a little late, but I guess you read dtye comments already.
@The_Thoughts21 Despicable Arrogance JESUS THANK YOU FOR BEING A KIND HUMAN ˘ ³˘
This is literally reminding of my class. Story time to the 2 people who will probably not read this. So on Wednesday like 3/5 of the girls were gathered around a table so they took other people's chairs. The people came back and asked for their chairs and the girls refused. Calling them "pathetic" and "lazy". Now the boys ignore them that day. Then comes Thursday... A few of the boys were gathered in the back and took the chairs of the two girls sitting in front. The girls go(in really high pitched screeches, literally screeches) "oh mah gahd, look at that, do you see that, how dare they steal our chair" girl 2 goes "ikr, how disrespectful" I tune out their arguing for 2 minutes and then suddenly I hear one of the girls saying "you're a stick" to the boy who's chair THEY stole FIRST. Then you know he loses his temper cause a lot of people used to say stuff like that to him and goes "and you're over weight" to the girl. This is bad because : 1. She is not over weight. 2. She is unhealthyly under weight. 3. And she never shuts up about the shit ton of diets she goes on. 4. She has a tendancy to announce this to the class. Like she went vegetarian a few mo3back and made it a big deal.. When I was literally one since birth and didn't give it a second thought. 5. She is an attention seeker. So now the girls back her up ignoring that she started the body shaming. And then they go to the teachers. And the girl who started the argument is like "I'm gonna get him suspended" like how tf you gonna do that after YOU stole HIS chair and then called HIM a stick FIRST...
@The_Thoughts21 I agree there ARE some girls like that who think they are the superior but they’re actually not. Although my class never witnesses this thing (obviously there were some fights but not this body shaming thing) ’cause I think we kinda bonded with each other as we were in the same sec. since 6th standard.
@_eatreadsleeprepeat_ literally tho. Like we were working during Science(damn all the tea do be spilling in science tho) anyways during science I was working with THE girl and then her other girl - friend comes into the meeting room we were allowed to use. They start discussing about random ✌️✊hot boys✌️✊and then girl 2 goes "omg so lucky" then girl 1 " ikr, like I always drag you next to them while working out" *does this awkward laugh only my class girls know how to do* Girl 2 goes "I dibs one of them" girl 1goes "yaya, but you don't need to call dibs, if their are two" girl 2 goes "and if they have girlfriends I'll slit their wrists and throats" And I'm next to them dying of laughter inside cause earlier girl 1 made me read her English work that we did a few weeks ago about power and it stated: "men need to stop objectifying woman" and "woman have less power in society because they are objectified" and then these bitches objectifying boys who they don't even know
I watched descendants because I saw this video on YouTube from 4years ago with the cast singing WICKED in a car - Cardescendant - then read the comments and realised that Cameron Boyce died due to epilepsy... Leading me to watch the three movies and being sad that I only watched after finding out that Carlos' character in real life died, and could not think of anything else whenever it was his screen time and now I'm sad
@The_Thoughts21 I love descendants, I watched it when it came out but it’s so so sad about Cameron’s death, I still haven’t got over it, I also loved him in Jessie and I always feel sad when I watch him now :( <33
hey, sorry to bother you, i hope you’re having a great day (: i wanted to ask if you would mind checking out my story “Have Hope, Hailey” sometime! it’s completed but i’m editing it— all chapters will be available in no time (: i want to make sure my story is as good as it can be. it would mean the world to me if you checked it out, but even if you don’t, thank you for taking the time to read my message <3 i hope you have a wonderful morning afternoon / day / night <3
@beautyofabrain hey! I actually added it to my library yesterday and will start reading it in a few days after I finished my exams :)
hey, thanks for adding track captain to your reading list, it means a lot to me. i hope you enjoy reading it!~ x.lys
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