
Returned after a long time. If you’d like to RP, you have a while to tell me before I disappear once again 


Hey y'all sorry for my sudden disappearance; the start of my second year of college has been nothing short of rough. I'm getting over a cold. I feel very inspired right now and want to desperately return to my writing and roleplaying. Please forgive me for the extra time I've taken to answering all of you.


Hey, y'all, I'm sorry for my small "hiatus". my college year has finally begun. Unfortunately, my girlfriend's uncle has recently just passed away, I've been needing to prepare for auditions, getting ready for classes, all that good stuff, and have been busy with all of that. For now, I do have some time and will be answering all of you hopefully today.


Okay, y’all. Here’s the deal. I. Am getting very very very very very busy. I have just signed up to preform in a show on August 22nd and the song I’m playing isn’t... perfect yet. I still flub on the solo very often and I need to practice A LOT so I don’t mess up. Also! I’m moving back to college in two days and I haven’t finished packing. So I need to take all of my time to pack and practice and unfortunately, I don’t know when I can reply to all of you or update the RP Book and Dar House. I might do it during the night, I don’t know. But I’m afraid I will be on somewhat of a “hiatus” until either I’m ready to perform or until after August 22nd. Wish me luck!


Yes, I realize some of you are waiting on me to reply. I apologize for putting you guys on hold. I’m currently working on other projects and fun things for all of you and I like to put a lot of energy into it. Do not be discouraged though! The more time it take between my replies, usually means that I can think more about what I want to reply. This can result in longer more descriptive replies and more interesting plots. Thank you for being patient!


Sorry about not replying to everyone earlier. Im going back to college in about 4 days and have been busy with keeping the house clean while my family is off at work and school and with packing for college. Now I have some time to reply and work on the RP Book and "Dark House"