
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for not posting and what not. I can't seem to get my life straight and when I do something fucks it up. I've been trying to write but my motivation has been null, I've been underway so I didn't even get to see all the comments and post you've all made and now brother passed away. I'm so sorry I haven't updated or let you guys know what's been going on but life has been really hectic and I don't know what to do. I don't think I'll be updating for a little while and I'm so sorry. I'm loving how you guys like my books but with everything going on I don't think I'll have the time or be in the right mentality to write 


It’s alright! Take your time 


@The_Wolves_Of_War honestly take your time. Your books are worth the wait and I hope everything is better now.


@The_Wolves_Of_War take your time! I just found your book 'my wolf, my daddy' and binged it and I love it! I hope everything gets better and you get the motivation to write!