Hey guys it’s Keith again! I have one question for all of you why in the actual hell is it SO WINDY?! Anyway things I love are...
All of Star Wars (Both canon and Legends a little)
The Marvel cinematic universe (MCU)
Marvel comics
Voltron (all continuities)
Transformers (Are any of you going to see the new Bumblebee Movie)
Ezbine fanfic
Iron Man
Stan Lee
Call of Duty series (respond if you’ve played the Modern warfare franchise or Black Ops)
AC/DC (favorite songs Shoot to Thrill, War Machine, Thunderstruck, and my all time favorite Back in Black but it comes in 2nd to the first rock song I’ve ever listened to and named after my favorite Avenger)
Black Sabbath’s Iron Man
Pacific Rim
Real Steel
Sabine Wren
Fallout Boys (Immortals and Centuries)
Soundgarden’s Live to Rise (music at the end of the 1st Avengers)
Uhhhhhh I think that’s it but I’ll probably come up with more in the future. Trying to come up with a good catch phrase................................I know! Trust in the force my friends and have a great day! ✌