
Blair: hey, do you have any O- blood?
          	Lilith: I thought you didn’t-
          	Lilith: um sweetheart you okay?
          	Blair: BLOOOODDDDDDDDDD
          	Lilith: Y am I not surprised 
          	Blair: BOW BEFORE MEEEEE
          	Lilith: What dRuGs are you on?
          	Blair: Advil Pills


Well, uhh l forgot to add I also love watching people in pain and people suffering. My favorite thing to do is torture innocent people but that's not wrong is it. Got to die my friend Annabelle wants to play.The best thing about her is that she's a walking doll!
                                   -Blair The_blaCK_siNNers


Well, Hello there. 
          You have come? Well, thank you. I’ll try to be normal. Here we go...
          My name is very ugly. I hated it ever since I was born. So, over here, my name will be...Blair. Blair is perfect.
          1. My favorite thing to do is stalk my enemies and drink their blood. But if they have O-.... oh never mind 
          2. My favorite shape is the circle of death
          3. My favorite object is the knife I keep in my mouth 
             What, you think I’m not normal? Your not reading right. I’m very normal, you just don’t know it. Just because I hide underneath my loves bed doesn’t mean anything. Let’s just be...friends. For now.
          Manager? How was that?
          No, I’m not changing it. I love it. It’s describes me perfectly. Well, see you later...’friends’
                                      -Blair, The_blaCK_siNNers


 Hello. I am one of the girls part of this duo account. I can’t reveal my real name, my manager told me not to. He told me to go by a different name, for my name is too dark.
          So I have decided to go by the name Lilith. So what if it means a female demon in Jewish mythology? That’s not going to stop me. Let’s favorite thing to do is watch people trying to hide every little thing. Watching them lie. My favorite song is....Mad World. My favorite thing is my little notebook with all my secrets and discoveries. My favorite Shape is a star. My favorite food is burgers.
          That’s all I should say, Manager? But what about the other things? The scarier things? The darker things? Why not? Will it drive them all away? I’m sURe theyLL bE fiNE.
          Okay, I won’t say anything right now.
          Thank you, for reading.
          The second one should say something soon. I hope at least.
                                            -Lilith, The_blaCK_siNNers


Yes, young fellow. I am back, and I’ll be staying for a while. 

ZeScriptor're back


Since their are two girls, our...’manager’ has told us to introduce ourselves...
          But what does that mean? What does it mean to introduce yourself?
          Well, our manager has already informed us. So, we will take turns writing who we are, and what we’re about. 
          Thank you for your time.


Hell0, fellow people of wattpad.
          As two curious girls about the world, and well, humans, we have always loved trying to write stories about what we find or discover. 
          But tell me, from your point of view, what do humans mean to you? What are humans to
          You? How do you feel around humans? 
          Answer these questions. Answer them truthfully. 