Well, Hello there.
You have come? Well, thank you. I’ll try to be normal. Here we go...
My name is very ugly. I hated it ever since I was born. So, over here, my name will be...Blair. Blair is perfect.
1. My favorite thing to do is stalk my enemies and drink their blood. But if they have O-.... oh never mind
2. My favorite shape is the circle of death
3. My favorite object is the knife I keep in my mouth
What, you think I’m not normal? Your not reading right. I’m very normal, you just don’t know it. Just because I hide underneath my loves bed doesn’t mean anything. Let’s just be...friends. For now.
Manager? How was that?
No, I’m not changing it. I love it. It’s describes me perfectly. Well, see you later...’friends’
-Blair, The_blaCK_siNNers