ik si fjd mokms dies in fje stidu and likd jer som ks lefy.slomd and gjen tjr killer tirrs ti kill her som fkr a nracdleg kinfa stidoif ifnu ask me but fhsn anyeayd tjr mom grabs jid toes and bited tjem im fdoing tjis from.mdmdofu oknand fjej he stabd tje womajn lrt mr.nd ur eoamn woman woman woammn ok dirfy anysays skp whaa k said akf fjsn ahah boy gets chadd in gjr middle if the nifbt frim a killdfnuwu scaryy aaaahhh and then he runsways ang gets go ti a orhangoagr and gets a nes namr and tjen he groed up gegs sponsered ajd tjen he vromces a detecrice.ti fijd his mkrjefd kiallernanf then hr gets in a gro of four lll snd one if tjrk js a cjimdjood ffeond and tjem je cties baldh bkah bkah and gjd fesm fimds him likr snnoytijt idknl memeori core and gjdn lkke fjefes sttoemed.muder suicifr ajd ye and fjen hr slmost.dies and his maaaaaaa naaaaaa baaa im sctusl tryijg tk toseak.idk if yk esg im sauing snyeahd tjis sojng is si goodd majajajaaajajaja di u esnna guess tj song ok itd anpoouler omg om tt w editd and yeah anf tjen itd so hot outisde hrlo pansic atgck aaaaahahahhahaahahaha shimmy sjimmy hs dhimmy us dhimmy hahaaa drank sjalalaaaaa djaaalalala