Hello! Vriska Serket here! ::::)
I like flarping, drawing, reading and writing!
DNI: Tavros, Gamzee, Jane, Cronus Homopho8ic, Racist, or Transpho8ic people, Proshippers, and just flat out people who like to make people feel 8ad.

This is a Roleplay account lmao
It used to 8e centered around Ashfur 8ut I grew out of that shit

My real account: @Shrimp_Teeth
Feel free to talk to me!!!!!!!!
  • My hive???????? >::::(
  • JoinedJanuary 9, 2019


Last Message
ThearachnidsGrip ThearachnidsGrip Sep 20, 2021 04:02PM
Octo8er is the 8est month 8ecause spiders 8ecome more relevant ::::)
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