
Going to have a new chapter of Ocean Depths done hopefully by tonight! Just have to revise a few things and she's good to go!


@Thedonkeyking  thats so awesome sauce


Alright. Gunna work on another post tonight. The question is- Which book should I update? Or should I start up another that I have been thinking about for a while? Lemme know! >:3


@Thedonkeyking, This is wonderful news, I am very glad that it happened!  I'm sorry if my words sound too brazen, but what about the "Ocean Depths" update?  This is a wonderful story, the events of which are incredibly eager to know:з


I was thinking about starting up my Evil Gaster books again. Any opinions on that?


@_Gaster_Follower_ That's alright! I hope you had some good sleep!


@Thedonkeyking  sorry I didn't answer! it was past midnight in my country when you replied and I saw it just now 


I AM BACKKKKKKKK. Long story short I had a huge mental issue anddddd its slowly getting better! Man I can't wait to begin writing my books again. 


@Thedonkeyking Ik this is from 2021 but welcome backk (helloitsme here) pretty sure u forgot abt me  but hey we were in the same situation AHAH




@_Gaster_Follower_ heheheheh I'm so happy to be back! I hope your fall wasn't too bad!


@Thedonkeyking  OMG I'M SO HAPPY I MIGHT CRY!- I literally fell off the chair when I saw your notification, I thought I was dreaming- welcome back :)


Dear Followers. 
          I am deleting my Wattpad. I know we all went through a lot together. I know we all had fun. I'm sorry for this. But I'm going through a lot in my life and it is getting hard on me. I had a good one. I really did. Thank yous for all the support yous have given. It was quite the ride. Goodbye everyone. 


Ok. So. Everytime I click onto my wattpad app it just flashes black and white. I can only come on when I get a notification from wattpad and I click the notification. So I am sorry if I am not able to be on to much. I am going to be on my laptop soon enough though. I will be updating things from there 


            Oh well, we'll be patient


@Thedonkeyking  // it happens on my phone too, but just for a few seconds, then the app works again. I know that there's a update of the app that's not automatic. Maybe you can try to update the app from the appstore/google play and see if things get better.


Where are all of you coming from?! 60 fallowers?! What?! Thank you alllllll!!! 


@Thedonkeyking Well its not secret anymore if you just said it out loud.


@iiAnxiousii .... I live in a secret organization. The females are mainly used for breeding but otherwise take care of the children. The males go and do serious crime and gain millions each year. The female children will grow to choose a husband of her own if he is worthy and the males will do the same. While growing they are trained hard to work in the organization. On a few occasions some females work along side the males and vice versa. I so far have sixty children with my mate. As a king. Your offspring are main priority. So I hope one day I get to see all my children flourish. 


Hey Friendo!
          Read all of this, I mean it.
          If you were murdered, I wouldn't be at your funeral. 
          I will be in jail for killing whoever killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together.
          We laugh together.
          We die together.
          Send this to 15 people you care about this much (at least)
          If I get it back, thank you


            Also, I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to rp very much for a while, my mother needs all hands on deck to help combat some spiders that got in our house. I'll see if I can find some time by Monday though.