          	For justandidiotlol cause I felt bad and they REALLY need their AI chats to be quick. 


 Hey sorry I was away for a long while... I just had to be at my dad's for a WHILE since my step dad broke/sprained his foot and my mom had to care for him. I couldn't remember the password for my wattpad account so ye I will make a bunch of art and send it here for a make up and it turns out I gotta retake some anxiety meds cuz my imagination is so frickin crazy I thought it was delusions and I thought I was delusional or scitzorfrentic and I'm sorry if I spelled some words wrong I'm just so tired and freaked out cuz of this and I'm just scared of it getting worse so if I can summerize it up for you all I'm just saying that I may just take some meds and sry I was away for a while.... I just want you all to forgive me :[


@FOAHFOAH44 i forgive! Tho there is no need to apologize for it, friend 


Ello! Sorry this was a little later
          Please tell me if theres a way I can friend you considering I am on a PS5.
          My user is Oc3anTr33s on Minecraft 


Maybe I can give you the account name so I could friend you :]