
To my apocalyptic gays who are reading my story 'The Uncertainty of Tomorrow'!
          	I will be pausing uploads for a week (maybe two) to give me some time to perfect the next couple of chapters, as they are intense as FUUCK.
          	Thank you all for the constant support, lovely comments and messages. I read every single one and they always cheer me up,,
          	See you soon! 


To my apocalyptic gays who are reading my story 'The Uncertainty of Tomorrow'!
          I will be pausing uploads for a week (maybe two) to give me some time to perfect the next couple of chapters, as they are intense as FUUCK.
          Thank you all for the constant support, lovely comments and messages. I read every single one and they always cheer me up,,
          See you soon! 


It's here!! Finally!!
          Dive into the world nine years into the future, following Saoirse and Eimear who are tackling the struggles of reality.
          The Uncertainty of Tomorrow.
          Its an LGBT adventure story full of badass women killing a bunch of men, who wouldn't love that? 
          I am aiming to post twice a week, Monday and Thursday.
          I'd be very appreciative if you gave it a read!
          Thank you for all or your support in the past with my other stories. Your comments mean the world to me.
          Sophie x


          With all of the craziness in the world currently, I have felt inspired to write a somewhat post apocalyptic story based on the events of today (but based in the future). Also.. An extremely gay version, because that's just my brand it seems.
          I will be posting this story soon and hoping to continue updating it two/three times a week with new chapters. I'm excited to start creating again, especially to write a genre of story I've never really dabbled in before.
          Also, no, there will not be zombies involved. 
          I hope you guys will enjoy. 
          For people who were reading my story Ethereal Elle, I'll be taking a break from it. I won't unpublish it'll still be there for anybody who wants to catch up before I continue with it. I think I need to take a breather for a while, clear my head of the story and then come back to it with new ideas. Won't be for long though, I hope! 


Hello friends! Seems like forever since I have posted here. I want to thank the thousands of lovely humans who have read and are still reading 'Curled Hair, Blue Eyes'. It really gives me so much confidence to continue doing what I love, which is writing of course.
          I've been writing a new story named 'Ethereal Elle' about a troubled human who befriends a quiet angel during her years of college. I'm really enjoying writing it, and I hope you guys will check it out and like it too!
          Thank you,
          Sophie x


I’m finally back on my account and writing stories again! WOW SHOCK I KNOW. My mental health and hella shitty life has gotten in the way of me pursuing my favourite thing to do on this planet (writing). But now I’m back, and I’m going to put everything into this account again just like I used to. I hope you will join me!♥️♥️♥️


Thank you so much my friend. I’m glad you are enjoying the stories! I am planning to start another very soon. :-) 


@TheeJaffaCake I stumbled across your profile recently and I'm loving your stories so far. Hope you are doing well.


For anybody reading my new story Toast; 
          I'm away on holiday from the 1st of August until the 8th which means no updates! I'm sorry! I will be writing chapters while I'm away and posting them as soon as I get back. 
          Thank you for reading :-) x


Hi i'm literally getting into your story so... Update soon 


@ lem_si  come to read mine too if u want 


@ lem_si  yeah sorry i meant toast and u r welcome 


@lem_si Which story?! I'm currently writing Toast and trying to update everyday. But thank you :-)