
Squees name has been changed to Meez! As a sort of Malapropism of the original name! Sorry for putting it up so late into the book but it had too be done!


Greetings earthlings! Tis I Dragoness and I have something for you guys, I am going to change Squees name! As i noticed the creator of Johnny the homocidal maniac Jhonen Vasquez has made a sequel to this and has called it Squee! In order too dance around copyright striking and or sueing if my story ever takes off I shall change her name If you would like you can place a name down and I may think about using it, and too those who are reading my story, stay tuned your story is coming soon.


And I mean Jhonen made a sequel  to Johnny the homocidal maniac, and calling it Squee to clear up any confusion