
My friend is so shell shocked like that physics paper was like a tactical nuclear  bomb declaring war on Science students , god i hope my accounts exam won't be the same , because either i am cooking that subject or that subject will cook me


My friend is so shell shocked like that physics paper was like a tactical nuclear  bomb declaring war on Science students , god i hope my accounts exam won't be the same , because either i am cooking that subject or that subject will cook me


NOT OUR CBSE EDUCATION BOARD TAKING REVENGE FROM SCIENCE STUDENTS , THE HELL YOU MEAN YOU PUT JEE MAINS TYPA QUESTIONS IN THAT GOD DAMNED PHYSICS  QUESTION PAPER , KIDS ARE IN DEPRESSION NOW ( CBSE is the central board for secondary education which regulates ,  develops and protects indian education , they bring reforms , formulate policies and programs for CBSE affiliates schools , they have once a year  final examination for 10th and 12th graders every year , BOARD exams is what we call it and those exams are overseen by the CBSE , they set the question papers , basically performance in these papers are important for your career ahead )


Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni drama just keeps getting worse , i feel like the movie title "It ends with us " is really gonna live up to it's name


@ThehappyDoggo goddamn it why do SO many celebrities i know of turn out to be cheaters?! never liked cheaters, never liked homewreckers, damn im disappointed


@meGotBIGGGjams2  Yeah , to be honest he seems like one of those controlling possessive assholes who don't like when their wives are much more successful than them  , yup he is toxic and i won't be surprised if the rumors of him cheating on ScarJo with blake turned out to be true


@ThehappyDoggo im just searching it up now, how could i never know they were married until you said this... I kind of always thought ryan reynolds was a little overrated but i didn't think he could be that bad, then again he's a big celebrity and most of them don't turn out to be great people


Yo we had our Farewell  party , basically an event organized by our school for the seniors who are graduating , we dress up and all and our juniors prepare dance performances and games for us and then in the end we are given titles , only chosen ones by the teachers for example(Miss&Mister Stylish , versatile , courteous , curious etc , i was  also  given  the title of Miss All rounder , Honestly i have no complaints for the title i was given since i have done so much work and participated in many events in school but one thing that bugs me the most is that the biggest title that is given in our school's farewell party which is Miss&Mister (School name which i am not disclosing )  was given to those two students which don't even deserve it , like the one who won Miss title is my friend and she joined our school just 2 years back in 11th grade and she had been the most absent student in school and has never taken part in any of the events or competitions  or have achieved something phenomenal to  even win that title , but still she won , why ? you ask it's because she is the favorite student of the teacher who decides these titles by herself and her family also knows the Principal and her wife , like all my friends and the title winners were soo mad and shocked when we heard her name , like what did she even do to win that title , honestly my best friend who has done so much and participated in school events didn't even received a title for her efforts and work ,  hell she was in the student council , honestly i am sooo done with my school and i can't wait to leave it all behind


@ThehappyDoggo wait are you saying she dropped your grades even though you did good? Like she didn't mark it correctly?? are teachers even allowed to do that?? if so omg you should consult with the principal or something cause that's definitely not right, but i hope your principal isn't corrupt like some school principals are... some assholes overlook that stuff when it's literally important since this is your education


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@meGotBIGGGjams2   thanks man , like i remember when i got the highest grade in her subject in our first exams and she was super super nice , like she bombarded me with compliments and shit and then after second terms my grade dropped like not much but still enough to know something was fishy , now i  found out that my friend (her favorite student now)  she started to take her tuition and then she was the one topping in our grade , she was getting bombarded with compliments , that did bumped me down but then i  realized she dropped my grade purposely because i didn't join her tuition after our first exam , she wanted me to join her but i said f you lady , still to this day i refused to take her classes no matter how low she dropped my grades to


@ThehappyDoggo wtf now this seems even worse, teachers like that are actually horrible to deal with. they will single you out for the smallest things that other students are doing too but for some reason they will choose you to pick on. good on you for planning that though, she won't be able to do anything about it either since you won't be under her jurisdiction. (not sure if jurisdiction is the right word to use but i will use it anyway) she will get what she deserves trusttt


I have chicken pox , i just hope it doesn't mark my skin later on


@ThehappyDoggo sorry for the late reply, congratulations!! And it's good to know one of us has good studies rn


@ThehappyDoggo also HOW ARE YOU?? how have your studies been going?


@meGotBIGGGjams2 And I also won the title of Miss all rounder which was a shocker 


zendeya ,naomi cambell , gigi hadid and bella hadid are on the diddy's party guest list , please tell me it's not the after party list


that's  what i think too , these celebs we worship and idolize  for how they are shown on the big screen but in reality it's a dark world and the most shocking thing is we don't even suspect what is actually going on behind the curtains . I felt really shocked when i heard the whole diddy and  beyonce thing i felt so shocked and many of the celebs on that list have children and beautiful families . It's disgusting and then America has the audacity to lecture other countries about human rights and what not .


@ThehappyDoggo Hollywood is sooo f'd up man... I hate to think about all the horrible things in the world but I can't turn a blind eye and keep liking certain celebrities when they've most likely done terrible things, it's crazy to see what Hollywood does to people. It makes me think that it might've be a good thing that certain celebrities quit early on in their careers and supposedly 'fell off', maybe they knew about all of the dark stuff that comes with fame and they decided they wanted nothing to do with it


YOUR SAVIOUR IS HERE !!  And I'll try to update my books and maybe publish more new books so  *YoWAi Moooooo*




@ThehappyDoggo OKAYYY LOKI I'm ready to read anything you have also dude are you hyped for Deadpool and Wolverine???


HEY how are you what's up?


@ThehappyDoggo NO IT'S ALL GOOD DON'T APOLOGIZE I hope your studies are going well! As for me, I'm good, and by good I just mean bored haha at least one of us is doing our studies bro I haven't even started


@meGotBIGGGjams2 HI ! HI !sorry I have been inactive because my studies got a lot more serious, how about you? Are you good  everything fine ? 