
Just got 460k on Forbidden Touches! I’m so grateful to all my readers❤️


Hi everyone! Snake and Venom will be getting taken down tomorrow as I’m publishing it on Amazon. I’m so excited and just want to thank all my readers for giving me the courage to take this next step!!


And one more question please I'm unable to find forbidden touches on Galatea so are you updating it here or somewhere else please do tell me...


It’s no longer on there. The full book will be back on Wattpad!


Umm dear author first of all a very big thank you as you created such a wonderful story forbidden touches. You see it's the very perfect and very fulfilling book I've read in a while and truly what I wanted to read it's like a mix of everything like a good nutritious smoothie. I'm not really very good with my words and am unable to convey what I really want to say, but I really hope you understood my immense support, appreciation, joy and love. Waiting for forbidden touches next chapter patiently...❤


Aww!! Thank you so much for reading! I’m so happy you’re enjoying my book❤️