
Im not a psychopath, im a high functioning sociopath.


          I like your stories and enjoy reading it.
          I read the story from the beginning to the end, wanted to know what happen next.
          I like the characters, storyline and plot etc.
          I am a writer and reader of Wattpad.
          If you ever want to collaborate with someone, I don't mind doing it or you need help with writing your stories.
          From Emily.


Hi, i'd like ti translate your matt's FF (Dreams) in italian. I'd say in the bio that the syory's not mine but tours, i love it and i'd like it too much.
          And ehi! IT WOULD BE THE FIRST MATT'S FF IN ITALIAN, BECAUSE WE ARE STUPID AND I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CARES ABOUT HIM. No okay, i'm not the only one but nobody except me (i'm gonna do It) has ever written a FF on Matt


hiya!!! We have A TON in common. I just finished Dreams. FLIPPING AMAZING!!!! JUST.....AHHH I could go on for hours. :) Anywho. I like you a lot. Need to talk? I'm here! I ALSO LIKE TO TYPE IN CAPITALS!!!!! You seem super nice too! I hope you will do a sequal! Anywho keep going on with your day dear. Bye! *jumps into the Tardis with Doctor #11*