
Hey, guys, What book should we update first?


Shallom bbgs ,how are you all doing, yeah i know everyone are waiting for a pranushka update but yeah sadly you guys have to wait till the ending of May for the updates ,cause our exams are in april and then 2 of us the eldest have to give exam for getting into masters so it's going to busy busy this 3 months ,but our r younger sister is here who is writing a fanfiction on dareya ,do check it out and if you desperately want an update our younger sister can update a one shot 


If you start forgetting your things, if you feel unwell for some days, if your vision sometimes gets hazy, you no need to be worried; it means exam is knocking at your door. Shake off your stress and concentrate on your study. Good luck.
          that's what our parents are texting us