Is anyone else like this? Like- you work on a book with total motivation, then edit it. Then revise it. Then spell and grammar check it. Then you send it over to a friend and ask them to read it. Then send it to another friend. Then you edit it. Then you plagiarize check it even though you know you wrote it and have never copied anything in your life. Spell check it again. Visit the wiki it’s from if it’s fanfiction and adds little details, then grammarly’s it, Then you look for inspiration on Wattpad. Then run it by the good old plagiarism checker to make sure it doesnt sound too similar. Then a year and a half later you still have the 300 word prologue sitting in your account/closet because you think it needs constant revision to meet everyone’s standards from professional, experienced, paid authors and you’re not one of them and just a kid on Wattpad who reads questionable fanfics they put only in their private library because of how questionable and potentially reputation and professionalism damaging it could be and you feel like you need to live up to impossible standards and then you realize your judging more than your writing pieces then you realize your judging your life and everything you live by, and comparing it to other more successful people? Cause I do (I ranting again sorry)