Sunt doar o fiinta a acestui univers.
Sunt doar o alta fata pe care ai vazut-o pe strada im mod intamplator sau pe care nu o vei vedea niciodata,sau poate sunt acea fata pe care o vezi zilnic.
Sunt doar o fata care este prea tanara pentru a-si gasi locul in aceasta lume dar poate prea batrana pentru a-l mai cauta.
Sunt doar eu,in propriul meu fel.
Poate ma crezi ciudata,dar oare sunt ciudata doar fiindca ies din limitele tale pentru "normal"?
Poate pe mine ma crezi respingatoare,dar oare eu sunt respingatoare doar fiindca eu nu fac parte de conceptul de frumuste pe care tu l-ai creat?
Dar exista un lucru pe care trebuie sa il intelegi la ma voi lasa niciodata corupta de conceptele societatii si nu voi fi niciodata asa cum vrei tu deoarce voi fi prea ocupata fiind cum vreau eu.Probabil va fi deja prea tarziu cand vei intelege acest lucru,dar pierdera mea te va face sa nu mai repeti aceeasi greseala.
I am just a being of this universe.
I'm just another girl you saw on the street in a random way or you will never see it, or maybe that girl you see every day.
I'm just a girl who's too young to find her place in this world, but maybe too old to look for him.
It's just me, in my own way.
Perhaps you think me strange, but I am strange just because I am out of the limits for what you call "normal"?
Maybe you think me reluctant, but am I reluctant just because I am not part of the concept of beauty that you have created?
But there is one thing that you have to understand about me ... I will never let myself be corrupted by the concepts of society and I will never be the way you want it because I will be too busy beying as I want to be. Probably it will be too late when you will understand this, but my loss will make you not repeat the same mistake.
- JoinedApril 11, 2019
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